Distance between cities in the USA

We calculate the straight-line distance, or “as-the-crow-flies” distance, between two cities using the great-circle distance formula. This method accounts for the Earth’s curvature, making it the shortest distance between two points on the Earth’s surface and is accurate to within a few meters due to the simplicity of modeling Earth as a sphere.

For the driving distance we take into account the actual roadways, highways, and routes that connect the cities, which typically make the distance longer than the straight-line distance. We provide accurate driving distances and times to help plan trips, find alternate routes, or estimate arrival times.

Distance between two cities in the United States

Type in the name of your origin and destination to calculate the distance:

Please type your origin and destination and pick one of the suggestions.

Origin and destination have to be different.

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Some facts about distances in the USA

The longest distance

between two cities in the USA is 5,505 miles that separates Quoddy Head, Maine and Cape Wrangell, Attu Island, Alaska.

The longest road in the USA

is the U.S. Route 20 (US-20), stretching approximately 3,365 miles from Newport, Oregon to Boston, Massachusetts.

Distance between major cities in the USA

Use this matrix to quickly learn how many miles and kilometers separate some of the major cities in the USA from each other

New YorkLos AngelesChicagoHoustonSan FranciscoMiami
New York-2802 mi4509 km790 mi1271 km1628 mi2619 km2935 mi4724 km1281 mi2061 km
Los Angeles2802 mi4509 km-2016 mi3245 km1556 mi2504 km382 mi615 km2732 mi4395 km
Chicago790 mi1271 km2016 mi3245 km-1084 mi1744 km2131 mi3429 km1389 mi2235 km
Houston1628 mi2619 km1556 mi2504 km1084 mi1744 km-1927 mi3101 km1187 mi1910 km
San Francisco2935 mi4724 km382 mi615 km2131 mi3429 km1927 mi3101 km-3129 mi5036 km
Miami1281 mi2061 km2732 mi4395 km1389 mi2235 km1187 mi1910 km3129 mi5036 km-